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The CASE of FEMU: Cheap, Accurate, Scalable and Extensible Flash Emulator
[FAST '18]

Huaicheng Li, Mingzhe Hao, Michael Hao Tong, Swaminathan Sundararaman, Matias Bjørling, Haryadi S. Gunawi

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     Author = {Huaicheng Li and Mingzhe Hao and Michael Hao Tong 
               and Swaminathan Sundararaman and Matias Bjørling and Haryadi S. Gunawi},
      Title = "The CASE of FEMU: Cheap, Accurate, Scalable and Extensible Flash Emulator",
  Booktitle =  {Proceedings of 16th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST)},
    Address = {Oakland, CA},
      Month =  {February},
       Year =  {2018}